Plone Active Directory Authentication
I will be using the same system from my earlier Plone Installation post to continue with the Active Directory authentication. python-ldap and are required to be installed for this purpose. Installation of python-ldap took me quite sometime with errors like [Error: Couldn't install: python-ldap 2.4.10] as shown in the figure below: To properly install python-ldap, development libraries are required to be installed. So, for my Fedora System, i install the following libraries as shown below: yum install python-ldap python-devel openldap openldap-devel cyrus-sasl-devel To install the python-ldap, add the entries in the buildout.cfg as shown below: eggs = ….. zcml = …... After building the buildout ( ./bin/buildout ), start the plone ( ./bin/plonectl start ) Login to the site as admin and start the Zope Management Interface and click the " acl_users " as shown below: Selec...